25 May 2006

What do you need?

Somebody completing a questionnaire Vikki, a post–graduate student in Archives and Records Management at the University of Glasgow, is investigating the needs of people searching for archival resources using online finding aids and resource websites. The results will be represented in a dissertation. Please take a few minutes to complete Vikki's online form.

16 May 2006

Strategic Review of Archives Hub

The Archives Hub is currently undergoing a review as part of a more wide-ranging look at of JISC-funded resource discovery services. If you would like to contribute, please take a few moments to complete the questionnaire which has been drawn up by the team undertaking the review. This survey has now been closed. Thanks if you contributed - we had some very positive feedback: more on that later.

08 May 2006

Welcome to the World

Daniel James Tattersall Congratulations to Hub developer Steve and his wife, Helen, on the safe arrival of baby Daniel James Tattersall, born on the 4th of May 2006. Daniel and Steve


02 May 2006

Spud You Like

Potato battery Today saw the inaugural meeting of the Spokes Users and Developers (SPUD) Group. To mark the occasion, a special spud battery was provided.
