31 July 2006

In the nick of time

Pocket watch Our feature for August prompted me to fetch out my English grandfather's pocket watch. He was a gunner on a Bristol fighter during the Great War, and was shot down over France. My grandfather walked away from the wreckage, taking the cockpit watch with him as a souvenir. My Irish grandfather had a close shave as well. He took part in the Easter Rising, and survived getting bayonnetted in the head. On my daily commute to and from Manchester, I've fallen under the train twice. Surviving that didn't demand any courage - but maybe I've inherited my forefathers' reflexes.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Surely to fall under a train once can be regarded as misfortune, but to do so twice looks like carelessness..

01 August, 2006 09:44  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not many people have an opportunity to boass that they have fallen under the train after the first falling. Your case is really exceptional. But look out the next time. Do not let the third falling happen.

07 August, 2006 16:57  

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