31 October 2006

Hoo, hwæt, why, when, where, how

Wind-up/Solar radio, tuned to Radio 4 Hwaet is the opening of the epic poem Beowulf, which I found online (although the exclamation mark used in the November feature's title is just artistic licence on my part). The idea for a feature on the Anglo-Saxons came from an interview I heard on BBC Radio 4, where the Anglo-Saxons were described as being pushed from the curriculum. Previous features have also been inspired by Radio 4 - hearing an interview with the parents of Mark 'Insect Circus' Copeland on Home Truths led to Insects and Entomologists. And hearing Paul Scholfield reading part of The Waste Land on Radio 4 led to Hurry Up Please It's Time. If I was any good at geography, perhaps I'd do a feature inspired by the oddly evocative shipping forecast ...


18 October 2006

Time and Relative Dimension

Police boxThe eagle-eyed amongst you will have noticed the Hub website reverting to last August - and in fact today, the Blog is stuck in August as well. We are in the process of restoring everything, but in the meantime please accept our apologies for any inconvenience. October 2006 will be resumed as soon as possible! The Tardis here is in fact a restored police box near St Mungo Museum in Glasgow. Photo copyright © 2005 Archives Hub.

13 October 2006

Blog for history

The History Matters campaign is organising a mass "One Day in History" blog in the UK on 17 October 2006. The entries submitted will be kept as part of the British Library's web archive. It's an internet-enabled version of the ideas behind the Mass-Observation movement. From the site:
...a society out of touch with its past cannot have confidence in its future. History helps us to know where we come from and to explain the world as it is.
But one post in the site's forum does point out that there is a distinct lack of mention of archives on the site, and apparent lack of involvement of archive-related organisations:
Sadly, it seems that they have been largely overlooked even by campaigners dedicated to promoting history and heritage.


12 October 2006

Baden-Württemberg manuscripts not to be sold

Deutsche Welle reports that the proposed sale of 3,600 manuscripts from the State Library at Karlsruhe has been blocked by the culture minister, Bernd Neumann. The items were going to be sold to raise money to finance the repair of Salem Castle, now a school.


11 October 2006

Contributors' Training Day

The Archives Hub will be holding a free training/information day in Manchester for archivists and information professionals who would like to contribute information about their archives to the service. Date: Tuesday 5 December 2006 Location: Kilburn Building, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL. (maps) Time: 11.00 - 16.30. Lunch: a free lunch will be provided The day will include: A short introduction to the Archives Hub and to latest developments, including the new Spokes software. A short introduction to the benefits of XML and to using EAD Using the online template to create descriptions Indexing for the Archives Hub Hands on experience of creating records using the template Please email Jane if you'd like to attend this event.


06 October 2006

Preserving digital records of politicians

Screenshot of OutlookAn interview about the JISC-funded Paradigm project is now available on the Digital Preservation Coalition's site. The project manager, Susan Thomas (a former Hub contributor), talked to Kieron Niven about the challenges faced in preserving the personal digital records of politicians. The project, which is a collaboration between the Bodleian Library at the University of Oxford and the John Rylands University Library at The University of Manchester now has a mailing list for news on the project.


02 October 2006

The new digital archivist meets South Park

I've created a PDF of the talk I gave to the Society of Archivists' Conference, succinctly titled 'The New Digital Archivist: from relative isolation to global interoperability', the talk is based on the premise of an archivist who does not actually have any archives to look after! In other words, the kind of archivist who works on a service such as the Archives Hub :-) What sorts of skills do we need and will more archivists require these sorts of skills in the future? The talk is available from our website on the Introduction page at http://www.archiveshub.ac.uk/introduction.shtml under 'Presentations'. South Park character creations are by permission of Zwerg-im-Bikini (Janina Koppel) http://www.sp-studio.de/ P.S. Our software developer is supposed to look thoughtful and not grumpy!
