19 February 2007

Archival Word of the Week: Fonds

Fonz in store-roomA noun, singular, most often pronounced 'fonz'. This generally just means an archival collection, so when an archival description is at 'fonds-level', it's an overview without details of each individual item. Some archivists simply use the term 'collection', or treat the terms as interchangeable. But others reserve 'fonds' to distinguish a collection generated by a person, family, or organisation, as opposed to an 'artificial' collection, which has been gathered and arranged by a collector or a repository. Sadly, the term 'fonds' does not seem to appear in this sense in the Oxford English Dictionary. The OED does include 'fond', meaning "source of supply, stock, store", which is apt in the sense of the archival collection providing a fund of data, which we can elaborate with metadata. But does anyone want to suggest some published examples to the OED for the archival use of the word? And can anybody guide us with the pronunciation? See also: Archives Hub Guided Tour Level of Description



Blogger Yvette Hoitink said...

There is a Dutch word 'fonds' that has the meaning you describe. I imagine that that's the origin of the word. It's pronounced like 'fonts'.

19 February, 2007 12:46  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Spain, the usage of the term –fonds-, in archival world, it is for a "collection" generated by an Institution, person etc. And collection, as those ones made artificially by someone who compiles documental materials.
Thanks for the interesting information!

22 February, 2007 10:54  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I first learnt about mechanisms of archival description, almost all the archivists I spoke to used the pronunciation 'fon', some with a slightly nasal pronunciation of the vowel suggesting that the word was of French origin. Most acknowledged that there was some difference of opinion about the pronunciation, though.

01 March, 2007 15:11  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I french and in the Archive world, the word fonds described a archival unit create by an archivist with differents materials from a person or institution. the french pronunciation is "fon". The orthography of this word is always : fonds with the final "s" (we say : "un fonds").

02 March, 2007 09:05  

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