Archival Word of the Week: Holograph

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to reduce the classified period for census data from 100 years to 70 years. This would allow census information from 1911, 1921 and 1931 to be used by the general public researching their family history in the absence (or failing memories) of their elderly relatives. Birth, Marriage and Death information is already available so why is information about where people lived hidden.This has attracted over 21,000 signatures so far, making it the fourth most popular on the site. The image of an 1891 census return was taken from The National Archives' Learning Curve resource, Focus on the Census.
Labels: Archival Word of the Week
I was thinking about how a museum might make its activities more sustainable, in terms of reducing its carbon footprint, etc. And then I got to thinking about the museum's website (as is my job) and the internet in general. On a large scale, how much energy does the internet use up? Is anyone aware of any figures? On a local scale, we could evaluate the energy used up by the servers hosting our site, and the PCs and infrastructure inside our Museum. But how far could we decrease these (I'm not going to even mention 'off-setting' as an option), even as we aim to increase our site visits, and ensure good bandwidth and zero downtime? We increasingly demand that our websites are accessible, and require of 3rd parties that they help us to achieve that - is there a place for requirements that our ISPs use renewable sources of energy?All the servers we're using require lots of power to run and to keep them cool. Is that offset by the trips we save people making by putting lots of the information they need online? I wasn't sure about this comment from Nick Poole though:
If we are talking about the environmental impact specifically of digital publishing by museums, then I would argue that this is offset by several orders of magnitude by the mostly tedious and tangential blogosphere. If we're talking about personal choices, preventing unnecessary blogging would probably be up there at number one on my list.Oh dear. Should we shut this blog down?
Labels: blogs, museums, sustainability
Labels: collections of the month
Labels: blogs, tim berners-lee, web
5.2 Finding aids for the nation’s physical information collections In a world where access to electronic information resources is becoming the norm for researchers, the working group envisages it will be increasingly important to deliver the full range of available research material digitally. At the present time, vast quantities of material remain accessible only in traditional physical formats, discoverable only via clumsy or labour-intensive mechanisms. Recommendation: To bring these physical collections to the research community through a process of creating digital catalogues and other “finding aids”, as well as digitising content where it is feasible to do so either in collaboration with private sector partners, where appropriate, or through public funding initiatives. Benefit: Researchers and the research process will benefit from increased remote access to information resources that are currently only available in physical form at particular geographic locations. Risk: There is a risk that the cost of the process will outweigh potential benefits if the resources prove to be poorly utilised by the research community.This was carried through to the final report (section 6.3.2) as:
Finding Aids Programme. We recommend a programme to make more accessible to the research community the vast amount of UK material that is currently accessible only in traditional physical formats, discoverable only through labour-intensive mechanisms.I love the idea of existing finding aids being 'clumsy'! I think that the risk is rather over-stated, but overall I'm delighted to see this recommendation in the report. Let's hope that it will be translated into much-needed funding to achieve the objective.
Labels: reports