16 March 2007

Undergraduate experience of university libraries

Library shelves, University of ManchesterA post by Brian Mathews (a librarian at the Georgia Institute of Technology) on his Ubiquitous Librarian blog compares undergraduate levels of library usage and satisfaction in UK and US universities. He looked at information from SCONUL and compared it with statistics from the US Association of Research Libraries (ARL). He notes that usage of libraries by undergraduates is much higher in the UK:
...86% indicate daily or weekly use, while the US is around 50%. When asked about using library web resources they were at 77% daily/weekly, while US was between 40-50%.
but that levels of satisfaction with space and resources are much lower and that our printed materials and journals are 'barely adequate'. He expresses surprise at this, but it sounds like an issue of under-resourcing to me and probably won't surprise staff working in UK universities. The difference in usage levels are interesting though - why are they so much higher here?



Blogger www.Reddinet.co.uk said...

I rarely used my university library and only borrowed large text books and not specific readings. I found it far easier to obtain quotes and readings from the internet

21 July, 2007 00:15  

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