01 April 2007

Archival Word of the Week: Ephemera

Tonite onlyGeneric name for published documents which are designed to perform a specific task at a specific time, and expected to be forgotten or thrown away after use - although they might be retained for a striking design or as a souvenir of an event. Ephemera include posters, tickets, and leaflets. Does this blog count as ephemera? I don't know. These temporary documents tend to be littered with 'linguistic shifters' - relative terms such as 'tonight' or 'here' - which always require contextual information to make any sense at all. Link: ephemera Link: Carried away

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Blogger Paddy said...

Cheers Marty! I hope the post wasn't too condensed. Ephemera should indeed be valued as a resource for research, and this kind of material certainly requires serious work on interpretation. I bet we've all looked at one of our own photo albums at one time or another and thought "Where was that?" or "Who on earth is that?"

08 April, 2007 07:29  

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