25 April 2007

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Umspannwerk Ost restaurantBlogger knows I'm in Germany - the interface is all in German. Neat. And just a teeny bit creepy. I'm here with Jane at the International Standards for Digital Archives conference. Lots of presentations about EAD, EAC, METS and related standards. I was talking about the Spokes software yesterday (the EAD day). The picture shows the inside of the Umspannwerk Ost restaurant where we had dinner last night. It used to be an electrical substation. The conference venue (the Umweltforum) used to be a church. They're good at recycling here. Daniel PittiToday was all about EAC and METS - Daniel Pitti was one of the speakers giving the background to EAC in the morning. Apparently there have been complaints about the complexity of the standard, so Daniel was asking for more details on this problem, as work is about to start on rebuilding it 'from the ground up'. I enjoyed his closing comment which was along the lines of "it doesn't matter what you do in the privacy of your own repository, but if you're going outside, please dress up in a standard" (or a nice hat, of course).

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Anonymous Jack McNab said...

Daniel Pitti is a great speaker. Heard him debate solar power which was very entertaining!

29 March, 2009 18:06  

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